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The Market Bosworth Society was re-formed in 2005 (we can actually trace our roots back to around 1973 when a small group interested primarily in history began to meet in the High School Community Centre) to provide a focus for residents interested in the history, environment and future of the town. Initial work concentrated on preparing a Conservation Area Character Appraisal document which was completed in 2006 and now forms a reference point against which applications for development are assessed. A copy of this document can be accessed from the Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council website. Following a significant award of funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund the Society was able to produce theTown Trail which is an illustrated guide around the central conservation area of Market Bosworth and enables the thousands of visitors to the town to fully appreciate the history, views and vistas which we have to offer. The first print run of 6000 copies has been distributed and an updated guide is now available for 50p from outlets both in the town and in the local area around Market Bosworth. The Society has also produced a map highlighting fourteen points of interest within walking distance of the center of Market Bosworth which has proved popular with our more energetic visitors. The Heritage Lottery Fund also enabled us to produce an oral history of Market Bosworth which consists of a number of interviews with older residents of Market Bosworth as well as a more up to date perspective from the pupils of the Congerstone Primary School. The Society recorded some eight hours of interviews which are now available on a CD at a cost of £5. A number of the interviews were used to produce a book ‘Memories Forged in Market Bosworth’ priced at £10. Finally, we have an ongoing project of producing a Virtual Heritage Center to make photos, maps and documents available on-line. You can find the work so far on a sub-division of this site. It is the Society’s intention to continue to extend our archive by recording the memories of residents, copying any family photographs or by purchasing photographs and maps which are felt to be of such significance that they warrant our investment. The society organises a programme of talks, walks and other social events for members throughout the year, including visits to houses and properties of historic interest which may not be generally open to the public. If you are interested in joining us further details may be obtained from our Secretary: Mrs Lynne Palmer info@marketbosworthsociety.com 

Or check out the Membership tag on this website.

Constitution: Market Bosworth Society


Society Archive We have recently acquired a copy of a map from the Record Office which describes how Sir Willoughby Dixie closed off the public highway which continued from the top of Church Street around the back of the Church and then crossed the Park to join the road at the junction with Cadeby Lane. He closed the highway by erecting a gate very near to where the gate is now and padlocking it to prevent access. Similarly he padlocked the gate at the back of the Church. Could this be another cause of the dispute mentioned in October’s issue of Aspect when Sir Willoughby attempted to shoot the Reverend Wright? There is no trace of the highway ever being reinstated after Sir Willoughby’s unilateral action. (See OLD MAPS page to view plan) The Society’s archive, complemented by the Oakley Collection, offers a rich insight into the history of Market Bosworth. If anyone, carrying out private research, would like to see what is contained in the archive they should contact Glynis Oakley at The Forge, Park Street. The Market Bosworth Society recognises Copyright and does not knowingly breach Copyright laws. If you have any questions about any items on this site then please contact us setting out the nature of your enquiry together with your contact details.

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Hinckley Past & Present



I  N  D  E  X


Abbatoirs F10/LH41

Adcock Hugh

Token Dixie Arms 1660 F17/TRADE/15

Token half penny F16/PHOTOS/16

Air disasters in area  Nailstone F27/12

Archaeological desk based assessment Barton Road  F8/LH/06

Archaeological report  F8/LH/07

Argyle Joseph F20/LH/42

Armson George Memories of Bosworth c1930s F17/TRADE/11

As I Remember It Contributors photo F16/PHOTOS/47

Ashby & Nuneaton Joint Railway

Railway book details of construction F/18/TRANS/01

Ashby & Nuneaton Joint Railway with associated tramways & canals  Shelf 4

Ashby Canal

1794 map  Shelf 4

Brief history  F17/TRADE/20

Ashby Canal  F9/LH/18

SSSI plan  F4/C3


Assembling 100th issue  F12/LH/69

Front cover photos Ray Carter TOP DRAWER

Old Aspect Sept 1973 – July 1991 Index S1/MISC

Atherstone Hunt

Places of meeting map  F5/C11

Turnpike  F5/C11

Meet at Bosworth 2011, 2009, 2008  F14/NEWS/11

Photos Boxing Day 2005 Market Place  C1900 Shelf 8

Hunt slides  9/BOX 3


Back Lane Club House  F20/LH/33

Bacon William malster inventory 1676  F8/LH/01
Bakery Cottage  & Bakery Aspect 2010 bakery notes from deeds  F20/LH/27

Bakery Cottage  F9/LH/24

Balmes of Bosworth during 17th & 18th centuries  F10/LH/44

Bamford Nurse Sutton Lane roof re-thatching F10/LH/39
Bank  opening 1974  F17/TRADE/21
Barton in the Beans  various photos  18/BOX 3
Barton Road

Dixie Grammar School sports ground – plan 1990  F14/NEWS/02

Home Farm cow sheds  F16/PHOTOS/06

Home Farm sheds converted to homes newspaper article 1973  F12/LH/73

Public enquiry on alteration to sheds 1973  F16/PHOTOS/06

Road side allotments  F12/LH/76

Stocking frame cottages (candle making factory)  F1/B2

Stocking frame cottages circa 1900  F16/PHOTOS/05

Battle of Bosworth 1485  F2/B11

Battle of Bosworth Norman Parry  F23/BF/06

Battle of Bosworth and its aftermath F23/BF/05

Battle of Bosworth DT Williams BOOK SHELF top

Battle of Bosworth W Hutton BOOK SHELF top

Battle of Bosworth field Hutton 1813 BOX 1

Battle of Bosworth James Gairdner BOOK shelf top

Battle of Bosworth 2nd  F2/B31

Battlefield Bosworth weeping stone F23/BF/10

Battlefield site found John Austin F23/BF/02

Battlefield Report of Annual Excursion 1862  F23/BF/11

Bosworth Battlefield 1991 DRAW 2

Bosworth Battlefield discovery of silver boar F23/BF/09

Bosworth Battlefield Curiosities found SHELF 5

Bosworth Battlefield Laying of Roses Service F23/BF/14

Cromwellian Sword  F11/LH/47

Framed Heraldry  R CUP 2

Harleian MSS  F10/LH/48

King Richard lll – search for his remains  F23/BF/03

King Richard lll remains found in Leicester F23/BF/13

King Richard’s Well pencil drawing  F23/BF/08

Newspaper article re Richard’s bones  F10/LH/48

Notes  S1/MISC/11

Penny Magazine 1841  report on Battle F23/BF/12

Quincentenary celebrations photo F16/PHOTOS/43

Tapestry Aspect  F10/LH/50

Tapestry F10/LH/51

True location of Field Aspect 2010  F23/BF/04 of Field  F23/BF/01       

Battlefield Centre Tithe Barn  F23/BF/10  F23/BF/07

Battlefield excursion Leics. Archaeological Society 1862  F12/LH/70
Battlefield guide 2012 SHELF 1
Battlefield opening of new centre 2008 SHELF 1
Battlefield Line photos of station  F18/TRANS/13

Overview  F9/LH/30

Baynes Walter History of DGS Houses F7/DGS/07

Beales AP calendars 1911 & 1924  DRAW/3
Beale Mr & Mrs photo in Main Street  F16/PHOTOS/46
Beck H invoice for work to Perry & Farren’s houses Main Street 1919  F17/TRADE/08
Becks Builders F10/LH/51
Beckett Edgar   F10/LH/41
Beech House Church St Hinckley Times 1986 plan Church St  F20/LH/08
Black Herbert 1940 F7/DGS/11
Black Horse recent history 1975  F17/TRADE/16
Blacksmiths brief history  F17/TRADE/18
Blackwall Anthony Headmaster DGS 1722-30  F7/DGS/10

Battle of Bosworth D T Williams

Battle of Bosworth W Hutton

Best of Leicestershire

Bosworth Battlefield Heritage Centre brochure

BPI Friends of Minute book & record of those attending inaugural meeting

Bosworth 1485 by Mike Ingram

Bosworth Story by Bernard Newman

Bosworth Story S Hopewell

Bygone Leicestershire

Census Returns 1861 & 1891


Dirty Thirty

Dixie Grammar School prize to B W Oakley

Domesday Book

Flavour of 1485 W I recipe book with Bosworth Jumbles

Heritage of Leicestershire by W G Hoskins

Hinckley & Bosworth Borough Council official guide

History of Leicester

Joseph Moxon ‘A Truly Honest Man’

Leicester by M Forsyth

Leicestershire by Arthur Mees

Leicestershire by W G Hoskins

Leicestershire Legends & Stories

Leicestershire maps

Leicestershire Parks & Gardens

Leicestershire Regional Planning Report 1933

Leicestershire W G Hoskins

Market Bosworth Guide book

Palace of Minos by Arthur Evans

Parks & Gardens L Cantor & Tony Squires

Selected Legends of Leicestershire

Son of Prophecy Henry Tudor

Time & Chance by A B Evans

Village Histories by Heather Broughton

War of the Roses

Warwickshire Childhood by E Hughes

White’s Trade Directory 1877

White’s Trade Directory CD

Wright’s Trade Directory 1896

Booton Alf Bull in the Oak cottages  F20/LH/34

Bosworth & Gopsall Estates book launch 1997  F14/NEWS/11
Bosworth Agricultural Show

59th Sports Programme 1959 67th 1967 Sports 1933  F20/LH/23

Article & reports 1896 1900 1902 1904 1907 1908 1912 1935  F20/LH/11

Bosworth Alphabet characters mentioned 1940  F17/TRADE/22

Poem  F3/C32


Area map 1839 Shelf 4

Battlefield Henry Tudor ride through Bosworth 2008 F14/NEWS/11

Bosworth Story by Bernard Newman BOOK shelf top

Bosworth Story S Hopewell BOOK shelf top

Car Park F5/C3

Charities F10/LH/47

Conservation Listed buildings F5/C10

Conservation Protected trees F5/C11

Details of tenants 1835 & properties F19/REC/02

Bosworth Constituency F10/LH31

Bosworth Estate

Sale of Coton Priory Farm 1931 F1/B6

Sale of Home Farm, Stone House Farm, Carlton, Bosworth Mill various business   premises, houses & cottages 1931 F1/B8

Sale showing plots John Wood 1918 DRAW/1

Sales Catalogue July 1931 F1/B7

Summary of tenancy. Red Lion sale agreement 1931 F1/B5

Bosworth Family The 1160-1580  F10/LH/43

Bosworth Field Curiosities found SHELF 5
Bosworth & Gopsall Estate Book launch 1997 F14/NEWS/11
Bosworth Hall 1851 Schedule  S1/MISC/02

Bosworth Hall brochures S1

Brochure of re-development  F2/B18

Brochure SHELF 8

Carter Ray 2003  F14/NEWS/10

Estate buildings, grammar school Market Place  F2/B13

Sales Catalogue 1884 sale details  S1/MISC/02

Photos of West Front 1918

Bosworth Hall Hotel

Christmas lunch fiasco 1996  F14/NEWS/11

Newspaper report 1988  F22/BPI/05

Painting of West Front  SHELF 8

Bosworth in Bloom

Bosworth in Bloom Gardens Open video C2000 BOX 2

Photo on Shredded Wheat packets 2007  F14/NEWS/11

Various dates & awards F14/NEWS/03

War Horse Park Street F27/25

Bosworth Marina F10/LH35

Bosworth Mill Photo F16/PHOTOS/34
Bosworth Nature Conservation Field report F5/C5
Bosworth Parish Council minutes highlights 1951-1967 F5/C9
Bosworth Parish Field conveyance F5/C4
Bosworth Park

Bosworth Park 1885  DRAW 2

Bosworth Park 1931 sale DRAW 2

Arboretum 1972 SHELF 3

Auction sales contract 1918  SHELF 6

Details of tenants 1893  SHELF 2

Draft 5 year plan 2012  F27/11

Estate plans 1918 SHELF 6

Indenture auction 1918 details of tenancy including that of Earl Lovelace &   supplementary abstract SHELF 2

Obstacle race C19 photo Shelf 8

Plan 1931 Shelf 5

Residential Estate plan 1949 Shelf 3

Sale 1931/32 Shelf 5

Sales Catalogue 1884 Shelf 4

Sales Catalogue 1918 Shelf 6

Bosworth Park Infirmary

50th Anniversary 1986  14/BOX 3

‘Friends of’ winding up  F2/B35

21st Anniversary & photo F22/BPI/08

21st Anniversary 1957 F2/B35

Atherstone Hunt Traction engines & Bosworth Show 9/BOX 3

Appointment of Assistant Matron, Lena Craddock 1932 F2/B37

Boiler house 1973 F2/B19

Box of various photos including views C1980 of M.B. & Dist 17/BOX 3

Christmas 12/BOX 3

Christmas 1985 13/Box 3

Closure plans 1986 F2/B22

Description of property 1974 Shelf 3

Floor plans of wards F2/B23

Friends Bar-B-Q Crawfords Farm 1958 F22/BPI/04

Friends Fete F22/BPI/04

Hotel plans 1988 F22/BPI/05

Matron Mole wake 2004 15/BOX 3

Matrons & Senior Nursing Officers F22/BPI/01

Memorial benches A E Loseby F22/BPI/06

Mrs Blockley & Mr Sperry retire F22/BPI/06

Nurses march against plan to close 1986 F14/NEWS/14

Nurses training 1967 F14/NEWS/17

Nursing Association Rules 1901 F2/B20

Photo albums: 1936-74 staff 1/BOX 3

1937-38 staff 2/BOX 3

1959-65 staff 3 BOX3

1975 – Staff & ward photos 4/BOX 3

Photo album Top Drawer Left

Photo Newgate Prison door F22/BPI/02

Photos staff 1983 BOX

Protest against closure. F22/BPI/01

Slides 1956-72 staff BOX 3

Slides 1959-75 8/BOX 3

Slides Local misc 7/BOX 3

Slides Drawers 1 & 2 BOX 4

Slides holiday snaps Drawers 3-6 BOX 4

Staff reunion 2004 10/BOX 3

Staff reunion Oct 1977 11/BOX 3

Visiting restrictions Maternity Ward F22/BPI/08

Bosworth R D C

Agenda for Meeting of Plans & Housing 20/02/57 F5/C2

Armorial Bearing F5/C3

Armorial Shield photo F16/PHOTOS/36

Chairmen 1895-1974 F5/C6

Council Members 1899-1901 photo F16/PHOTOS/37

Members 1955 F5/C2

Minutes of Establishment Committee 13/02/57 F5/C2

Minutes of Housing Committee F5/C2

Minutes of meeting 16/01/57  (Demolition of houses in Bosworth) F5/C2

Minutes of plans & housing 16/01/57 F5/C2

Minutes of Public Health Committee F5/C2

Offices F5/C6

Bosworth Show S1/23

Bosworth Show 1889-1894 F27/08

Bosworth Show 1st five years & Schedule of prizes 1967 F20/LH/39

Bosworth Show 9/BOX 3 & laminated sheets

Bosworth Station

Re-opening 2011 F14/NEWS/12

Restoration 2008 F14/NEWS/09

Bosworth Steam Engine Rally programme 1979 F20/LH24

Bosworth tunnels F10/LH36

Bosworth W I Festival float F16/PHOTOS/44
Bosworth Worthies

Dixie, George Fox, John Grundy, Samuel Johnson, Dr Pull, A Benoni Evans, Florence Dixie,Tollemache Scott F20/LH/09

Boultbee John painter 1753 S1/MISC/14

Bowling Club Article on oldest Club in Leics. Unfurling new flag 1953  F12/LH/72
Bowls Club 1953 photo of members F16/PHOTOS/19
Bradbury Tom marriage to Mary Hartwell F10/LH/39
Bray Ellis

Station Master 1880 F9/LH/19

Station Master meets Buffalo Bill F18/TRANS/09

Brick Kiln Farm Sutton Cheney F10/LH/51

Bucknall J C  Pupil DGS 1835 graffiti F7/DGS/10
Buildings of Leicestershire Nikolaus Pevsner F20/LH/05
Bull in the Oak

Cottages F20/LH/34

Crossroads Feb. 2008 F14/NEWS/02

Burton’s Book dated 1622 S Business premises 1940 F17/TRADE/13

Butler Adam Sir Obituary 2008 F14/NEWS/04
Byng John Viscount Torrington on Market Bosworth roads 1781-1794 F10/LH/52
By-pass proposed F5/C1


Campbell Brenda Licensing F3/C18

Carlton in 1856, history, stone pits, turn pike roads F27/20
Carter Ray Nature Notes F11/LH/52
Cattle Market

Aspect article on closure 1996  F12/LH/61

Closure: Sunday Express, Hinckley Times, Leicester Mercury articles 1996  F12/LH/59

Parker Toone auctioneers catalogue 1956  F12/LH/60

Census 1901 F10/LH/34

Census index 1851 Vols 1 & 2  F8/LH/13

Census 1861 & 1891 CDs Book shelf

Census Returns 1861 & 1891 BOOK shelf top

Choyce Arthur ‘Leicestershire’s Soldier Poet’ F7/DGS/11

Chronological history in relationship to national events F20/LH/38
Church Street Photo looking west F16/PHOTOS/13
Churchill Family connections with Dixies F6/D12
Churchill J J History 1976 F17/TRADE/06
Churchyard survey by W I  1981 S1/MISC/09
Club House Ink drawing F16/PHOTOS/21
Cock shabby meaning of F20/LH/29
Coe M B Overview of St Peter’s Primary School F7/HS/02
Coleman John Royal British Legion Standard Bearer F10/LH/31
Council Offices F9/LH/24

Aspect article 2010. Registration District offices  FD20/LH/27

Court Leet and Baron F9/LH/16

Croman Glyn Nature Notes F11/LH/52
Croman Laura

‘As I Remember It’ prize winner F14/NEWS/11

‘A Day in My Life’ W I essay F14/NEWS/11

Memories of Bosworth & street map hand drawn F10/LH/37

The Harvest of 1485 F10/LH/37

Recollections of Bosworth 20s onwards F10/LH/34

Wildflower memories 1920s F4/C3

70th wedding anniversary 2013  F27/10

Cromwellian Sword F11/LH47  F2/B31

Curtis Tom Calendars 1902 & 1906 DRAW/3


Daily Telegraph Facsimile 1939 S1/MISC/13

Delius Corner F20/LH/29
Desmond Florence Actress resident of Rectory Lane Bosworth F16/PHOTOS/09
Diamond Jubilee 1897 F5/C76
Dissenting Chapel F3/C30

ABC Dixie Marriage Settlement Trust Account F21/02

Sale of Rectory & Church To R B Love 1880 F21/02

Valuation of properties F21/02

Alexander 9th Bt Portrait F21/03

Alexander Beaumont Will 1924 F21/02

Alexander Birth Certificate 1851 F21/02

Alexander Census 1841 F19/REC/05

Alexander Details of rental & particulars F21/04

Alexander Marriage certificate 1840 F21/02

Alexander Naval career 1795-1797 F/21/03

Alexander Portrait F21/03

Alexander Sir 10Bt receipt £26 F6/D15

Alexander Sir 10Bt payment of £87.10s. to F Bouskell F6/D15

Alexander Sir 11Bt Letter from unknown on their way to India F6/D14

Beaumont Indenture 1674 F21/05

Beaumont of Cadeby inventory of goods S1/MISC/14

Beaumont –  portrait F21/01

Capt. Letter requesting that the interest of 5% be reduced to 4% on the £30k legacy left by Mrs Pochin. The Beverley Estates are in Derby  F6/D13

Connections with Churchill family F6/D12

Eleanor Frances Pochin portrait F6/D21

Family history & Estates S1/MISC/14

Family history (Transcript of J P Sayers research) F6/D17

Family History F6/D1

Family memorials  F2/B31

Family reflections Wolstan Dixie c1960 F6/D5

Family tree 1586-1719 F2/B31

Family Tree 1602-1975 F6/D5

Family Tree 1st Bt – 13th Bt F6/D12

Family Tree C19 F6/D7

Family Vault F9/LH/25

Florence Lady 1855-1875 F6/D4

Florence Lady F6/D21

John Dutton – Will F19/REC/15.

Penelope Discovery of deeds in 1976 F6/D9

Penelope Permission to Coal Board to excavate on Selston Estates F6/D18

Richard – Will 1754 F19/REC/15

Rosamund & husband Thomas Wood portraits F21/03

Sir Wolstan 13th funeral address by Canon Robinson F6/D8

Sir Wolstan 1585 F6/D8

Sir Wolstan 1601 F6/D8

Sir Wolstan 4th Bt Aspect article F6/D8

Sir Wolstan portrait 1585 F6/D2

Will Edward David F19/REC/15

Will William Drake 1767 F19/REC/15

Willoughby 11Bt – Will 1851 F19/REC/15

Willoughby Strang – Will F21/03

Willoughby – Will 1815 F6/D3

Wolstan 4th Baronet eccentricities F7/DGS /10

Wolstan Administration of personal estate 1807 F21/03

Wolstan Confirmation as 13th Baronet 1924 F21/02

Wolstan Indenture 1592 F21/07

Wolstan Indenture 1606 with William Pelsant F21/08

Wolstan Indenture 1657 F21/06

Wolstan Indenture 1657 F21/11

Wolstan Indenture 1662 F21/14

Wolstan Indenture various named in Cadeby 1592 F21/13

Wolstan Indenture W Pelsant 1592 F21/09

Wolstan Indenture W Pelsant 1606 F21/10

Wolstan Indenture W Pelsant 1609 F21/12

Wolstan Oxford examination certificate 1927 F21/02

Wolstan Sir 13th Bt Letter confirming title of Bosworth Manor F6/D16

Wolstan Sir 1525-94 Biography F6/D19

Wolstan Sir drawing 1585 Shelf 8

Wolstan Sir Family Reflections  F6/D/23

Wolstan Sir Family Reflections 1959  F12/LH/57

Wolstan Will 1644 F19/REC/15

Wolstan Will 1879 F19/REC/15


1815 Indenture of deeds F6/D10

1851 Indenture for Belston Estate F6/D11

Documents passed to Records Office F6/D9

Return to Bosworth 1823 F6/D7

Road closure dispute with Mr Watson, Beech House Shelf 4

Snow Leopard link with Bosworth F6/D8

Summary of Chancery hearing 1873 & 1880 re possible purchase of property F6/D20

Vault & tombstones F6/D7

Dixies 1618-1648 F22/BPI/02

Dixies Estate Bill 1882 1st reading in House of Lords F/21/02
Dixies Manor History 1957 F22/BPI/07
Dixie Arms

1904 photo George Oliver’s works outing F16/PHOTOS/15

Adcock token 1660 F17/TRADE/15 see Memorabilia box Shelf 6

Adcock Hugh Token half penny F16/PHOTOS/16

Brief history Advertiser 1954 F22/BPI/03

Brief history F17/TRADE/18

Moxon Excise plaque F16/PHOTOS/42

Peter Folwell’s memories F17/TRADE/15

Photo and report of G Oliver’s works outing 1904 F17/TRADE/15

Plan 1828 F17/TRADE/14

Requisition for Army billets 1943 F17/TRADE/14

Dixie Bodies advert 1920  F12/LH/63

Dixie Grammar School

Act for better regulation 1866 F7/DGS/15

Block 1840 BOX 2

Brief history from 1828 to 1968 F7/DGS/06 list of Headmasters

Building contract 1827 F7/DGS/08

Building contract 1837 F7/DGS/08

Charitable Trust 1909 with amendments F7/DGS/07

Commemoration Service 1958 1967 1968 F7/DGS/07

Engraving for A B Evans Headmaster 1840 Shelf 8

Famous staff & pupils F7/DGS/10

Foundation 1970 S1/MISC/01

Foundation rules & regulation 1878 F7/DGS/15

Foundation rules F7/DGS/02

Historic buildings record Smith & Heyward 2009 S1/MISC/07

History of School F7/DGS/09

History of houses F7/DGS/07

Honours Boards F27/17

Independent Foundation Appeal F7/DGS/13

Ink drawing & floor plan 1828 F16/PHOTOS/21

Invoice for work done 1787 F7/DGS/08

Openday 1968 F7/DGS/06

Photo 1828 F7/DGS/01

Photos c2000 & students Richard lll design F7/DGS/01

Pickerings legal papers with TB Heathcote comments S1/MISC/17

Prospectus F7/DGS/07

Redevelopment 2011 F14/NEWS/18

Snow Leopard 2008 brief history F7/DGS/07

Snow Leopard 2009 Pavilion F7/DGS/07

Southby Charles Headmaster family tree F7/HS/07

Speech Day programme 1993  F7/DGS/07

Ticket to Commemoration & Dedication Service 1968 F7/DGS/06

Tourism project J Oakley S1/MISC/03

Translation of Greek inscription F7/DGS/12

Wolstan Prep School F7/DGS/07

Wolstonian Magazine on CDs 1960s Shelf 7

Domesday Book Bosworth F9/LH17             Book Shelf Top

Drackley J Advert F17/TRADE/0

Drackley J T Bosworth Poem F11/LH/44

Drackley Mr  Miller photo F16/PHOTOS/34

Drama & Maypole song tape BOX 2

Driving Licence Harry March 1925  F20/LH/02


Elementary & mixed school accounts S1/23

Elementary School Accounts

Refurbishment outstanding, new cloak rooms & better ventilation required S1/27

Report 1891 school alterations S1/11

Elementary School

1889-1895 extract from Church Monthly F7/HS/06 & F7/HS/08

Teachers 1880 – 1925 F7/HS/05

Voluntary rate to clear debt May 1891 S1/10

Estate buildings  F2/B13

Evans A B

Aspect F7/DGS/03

Headmaster F7/DGS/03

Sebastian’s cartoon F7/DGS/03


Fairs & markets origins of Town’s market and fairs F2/B39

Farmers Home magazine 1939 S1/MISC/13
Field Names F9/LH/27
Fire Station F10/LH/33
Fletcher A P Invoice 1933 F17/TRADE/01
Fletcher James Framework-knitter interview F10/LH/46
Folwell P Memories of Dixie Arms F17/TRADE/15
Folwell S Photos of Sydney F17/TRADE/15


Art Exhibition 2001 F14/NEWS/10

Brian Oakley photo F16/PHOTOS/39

Brief history F17/TRADE/18

Heritage Open Day 1999 F14/NEWS/06

Painting Shelf 8

Foss P J   F9/LH14   F9/LH16   F9/LH17   F9/LH/24

Aspect articles S1

Bosworth Estate 1885 F1/B12

Bosworth in late 70s F10/LH/40

Evans A B Headmaster DGS F7 DGS/03

History of DGS F7/DGS/09

History of St Peter’s Church F3/C21

History, people & buildings complete serialisation in Aspect S1/MISC/04

St Peter’s interior redesign F3/C19

Summary of Bosworth Estate Sale 1913 F1/B10

From an Open Wooded Hilltop

Awards 2003 F14/NEWS/10

Book launch 2003 F14/NEWS/10

Book review 2003 F14/NEWS/10

Introduction by Hugh Beavin  F12/LH/75

Review F14/NEWS/10

Fowler Morag Licensing as Team Vicar F3/C17

Fox John/Maurice F9/LH/16

Framework knitters

Cottages Barton Road Jubilee Close F17/TRADE/20

James Fletcher interview F10/LH/46

John Palmer interview F10/LH/45

Free Church F3/C14

Building appeal 2008 F3/C34

Hall Fund Raising 2008 F14/NEWS/05

History of Non-Conformists in Bosworth F3/C38

Opening 1951 & 10th Anniversary Service leaflet F3/C15

Update on extension F7/DGS/10

Freeschool F2/B11


Gains Larry Best Man to Mr and Mrs Bradbury F10/LH/39

Biography F17/TRADE/15
Extract from autobiography F17/TRADE/13
Girl guides in Bosworth F27/07
Glebe Terrier 1638 Rev William Pelsant with name index  F8/LH/04
Bacon William – tailor Balme Robert – carpenter
Blastock Edward – tailor
Boules William – grazier
Chancie William – clerk
Coker of Congerstone
Danes Gualter – miller
Dawes Walter
Dixie Sir Wolstan
Eyre  Paul
Glover Richard
Hastings Henry of Donnington Park
Holt William Jaxon Robert – tanner
Lea Thomas (now Dower House)
Moreton John,
Noel Verney
Pelsant Eusebius
Pelsant Francis
Pelsant John
Pelsant Robert
Pelsant William – Rector
Saunders Geoffrey
Sea Francis
Seal Francis Siddons (widow)
Smith Thomas – weaver
Walker Richard
Whitehead  Thomas – blacksmith
Wilkinson William
Glebe Terrier 1679  F8/LH/05
Golf Course proposed Cadeby Lane 1974 F9/LH/26
Gopsall Hall Completion of Messiah. F18/TRANS/09
Gosling WF Bosworth and the Crown Jewels F9/LH/17
Bosworth story of the name F9/LH/17
Interview 1974 F7 DGS/12
Second Battle of Bosworth F9/LH/28


Hall Farm F9/LH/16

Harcourt Family F9/LH/17
Detail of Harcourt family F24/01
Harcourt Family Manor F2/B11
Harcourts in Bosworth F3/C40 & F3/C43
Hardwick W W Advert F17/TRADE/01
Hardwickes Fireside Almanac 1928 S1/MISC
Harris Maurice recalling Cyril’s memories of skeletons found Nurses’ Home F27/18
Hatton John house in the Park F10/LH/32
Hatwell Mary marriage to Tom Bradbury F10/LH/39
Heath Road Objections to proposed extension of estate October 2006 F14/NEWS/02
Henry Boot & Sons Ltd (on Timber Fireproofing site) F24/04
Henton Collection photos on CD – Odstone, Gopsall & Bosworth Hall   Shelf 7
Hercules Monument photo   F12/LH/74
Hercules statue Southwood Park F20/LH/17
Hextall Fred RTA Park Gates F11/LH/43
High School Overview by P Jenkins & school reports S Gamble  F7/HS/01
Hinckley Times 1889 to 2014 F14/NEWS/19
Hinton Jack Tramp’s Poem Bosworth Show F11/LH/45
Holden James Ashby canal P9/LH/18 Stocking frames F9/LH/21
Holy Bones S8
Hollier Sam summary of chargeable residents 1850 F9/LH/15
Hooker Thomas 350th Anniversary F6/D6 Biography F7/DGS/10
Horse  memorials Bosworth Park  F27/24

Hubbard J W Medical Officer Westhaven 1851 F9/LH/15


Independent Chapel F3/C30

R Loseby memories  F20/LH/40 with White House notes
Index – history of Bosworth in relationship to national events F20/LH/38
Inns of Bosworth George Inn Aspect F10/LH/50 1320-2010 F17/TRADE/13
Aspect 2012 F10/LH/51

Licence victuallers 1253-1827 F17/TRADE/23


Jaques John Biography F7/DGS/14

Jenkins Philip Overview of High School F7/HS/01
Johnson Samuel Dr Biography F7/DGS/10 Johnson Samuel Dr F2/B11
Jones Edryd Rev Funeral service F3/C16 Induction Market Bosworth F3/C16

Jubilee Close List of residents 1882 F17/TRADE/19


Keeling H N Dr Bosworth GP 1907 – 1937 F9/LH/23

Kelly Gordon Dr Response to bell ringing complaint F3/C2 Newspaper article F11/LH/48
Kelly’s Directories 1908-1916 F17/TRADE/09
Kendrick Bros. Advert F17/TRADE/01
King George Vl Memorial Service sheet 1952 Transcription of Churchill’s broadcast S1/MISC/12
King Richard lll newspaper articles Shelf 7
Penny Magazine 1841 Local memories of great events Battle of Bosworth Shelf 7
King William IV F10/LH/40
Brief history F17/TRADE/18
Conversion plans F14/NEWS/02
Grant of licence to S Folwell 1938 F17/TRADE/19
History F17/TRADE/19 Land Registration search 1937 F17/TRADE/19
Original White’s building F16/PHOTOS/35
Skittle Alley F17/TRADE/19
Tenancy Conveyance 1931 Shelf 2

Title to property to Thomas Ironmonger F17/TRADE/19


Lampard J Biography 1978 F17/TRADE/03
Lancaster J Wembley houses F17/TRADE/05
Land Army photo 1947   F12/LH/71 Landholding 1579 with name index  F8/LH/02
Leaflets Shelf 1 3 Main Street sale brochure

As I remember it WI

Beaumont Court sale brochure

Battle of Bosworth recipe book WI Battlefield Guide 2012

Battlefield official opening of new centre 2008

Black Horse pamphlet Bosworth Country Park Arboretum 1977

Bosworth Country Park guide

Bosworth Hall Hotel brochure x 2 Bosworth Hall Hotel planning approval 1987

Bosworth Park guide LCC

Bosworth Park Infirmary ‘One of the Best’ 1990

Bosworth Park video of Martin Green Copse Club House sale brochure

Conservation Area 1996 & map with report drawer 4

Dower House sale brochure

Drama Society programme 2007 with list of all productions

English Master’s house Park Street sale brochure

Facilities 1975

Festival 2012

Leisure Handbook HBBC

Lindley House sale brochure

Map of Conservation Area 1976

Map/Guide HBBC

Market Bosworth Matters local hostelries

Old School Park Street sale guide

Poems of a Leicestershire Yeoman p15 A Craftsman at Bosworth Dick Tinsley

Rainbow Cottage sale guide

Railways: ANJR history 1975

Battlefield Line 1992 Battlefield Line Guide 1992

Battlefield Line Guide 1995

Battlefield Line history

Battlefield Line leaflet 2004

Battlefield Line leaflet 2004

Battlefield Line time tables 2004

History & stock 1980s

Leicestershire Railway Guide 1996

Lost Railways of Leicester

Model Engineer Cadeby

Market Bosworth Steam Rally Railway Steam Magazine P38

Railway Tales John Jacques 2001

Railway Tales John Jacques 2nd Ed 2005

Shackerstone Railway Society

Shackerstone Railway Society 1973 3rd Ed.

Steam Engine Rally 1966 & 1969

RDC Guide 1960s Shopping Guide

Station Garage sale guide

The Croft Barton Rd sale brochure

The Grey House sale brochure

Town Guide 1955

Town Guide 1980

Town Guide 1985

Town Guide 1995

Town Guide 2001

Town Guide HBBC

Town Trail 2008

Town Trail P J Foss

Visitors Guide 1985

Visitors Guide HBBC

Visitors’ Guide HBBC Walks

Walks Carlton/Bosworth

Warwick House sale brochure Waterside Mede sales guide `

Whitemoors Antiques

Leicester Magazine on Bosworth S1/MISC/10

Leicester Mercury Review of 1939 & 1945 S1/MISC/13

Leicestershire Archaeological & Historical Society Transactions 1959-1999 BOX 1

Leicestershire County Public Transport map 1993 Shelf 3

County Map 1602 Shelf 4

County map 1610 Shelf 4

County map 1881 Shelf 4

Listed Buildings F5/C10

Local colloquialisms F Loxley F20/LH/36
Lockett Albert letter re vagrants March 1914 F9/LH/22
Long Butcher’s shop/ice house F17/TRADE/12
Long C J Cromwellian Sword F11/LH/47
Loseby A House 3 Main Street F16/PHOTOS/20
Loseby Arthur paper article F11/LH/49
Loseby R “Lost property in Park Street” S1
Lovelace Earl of Details of tenants 1835 F19/REC/02
Lovell Hetty Rail Porter F9/LH/19

Loxley F Local colloquialisms  F20/LH/36


Maides George shoemaker Reminiscences of Bosworth 1896  F12/LH/56

Main Street  Cottages circa 1910 F16/PHOTOS/23

No 3 survey F20/LH/31

Nos 5-10 photo F16/PHOTOS/20

Malt Mill  F2/B31  F9/LH/17

Manor House  F9/LH16   F9/LH17   F9/LH27   F9/LH/49              

1199-1608 F2/B11

1824 plan Shelf 4

1913 sale summary – PJ Foss F1/B10

Description of rooms F2/B13

Engraving F2/B16

Ground floor plan 1883 F2/B14

Brief history from 1086  F8/LH/03

Ground plan 1750 F2/B15

History 1674-1974 F2/B21

History of Estate Dixie Family F2/B13

Pencil drawings various 1858 F2/B29

Pencil drawing arched entrance to walled garden 2000 F2/B30

Photographs of gates and main building F2/B24

Pumping equipment as found in Water Tower F2/B38

Sales Catalogue 1856 F1/B9

Sales Catalogue April 1916 F1/B9

Sales Catalogue of contents F1/B9

Tithe map 1848 F1/B12

Various paintings with descriptions 1725/30  F2/B32

Water Tower F2/B34

Water Tower F2/B40 11

cottages F2/B15

Manor Lords of 1048-2001 F2/B39

Marina F24/06
Manure Company article by Nuneaton Chronicle 1869  F8/LH/15

Maps 1918 sale auction map DRAW 2

Ashby Canal route R CUP 2 Bosworth Battlefield Line route DRAW 2

Contour map 1830s DRAW 2

Direction of waterways DRAW 2

Dixie Estate early 19th century & Town centre enlargement F12/LH/58

Drainage map RDC 1932  DRAW 4

Footpaths & field ownership & The Leicestershire Round booklet DRAW 2

Golf Course plan DRAW 2 Golf Course preliminary plan 1992 DRAW 2

Refusal of housing F14/NEWS/19

Gopsall Estate map DRAW 4

Kelly’s Map of Leicestershire & Rutland DRAW 2

Leicestershire 1777 John Prior’s map S1

Leicestershire 1777 Sparkenhoe 100 DRAW 2

Leicestershire contour map 1970 DRAW 1

Leicestershire history in pictures DRAW 2

Map on CD Shelf 7

Map showing plot numbers Shelf 2

Market Bosworth DRAW 2

Market Bosworth 1592 DRAW/1

Market Bosworth 1849 copy showing streets DRAW/1

Market Bosworth 1884 Market Bosworth 1918 F19/REC/04

Market Bosworth C1980 DRAW 2

Market Bosworth centre 1592 CUP 1

Market Bosworth centre enlarged copy C1850 CUP1

Market Bosworth Conservation Area 1974 DRAW/1

Market Bosworth Conservation Area 2006 DRAW/1

Market Bosworth footpaths 1998 DRAW/1

Market Bosworth full scale map 1918

Market Bosworth full scale town centre pre 1995 showing building numbers Shelf 3

Market Bosworth Ordnance Survey 1904 DRAW 2 x 2

Market Bosworth Ordnance Survey 1955 6” scale DRAW/1 x 2

Market Bosworth Saxton’s Map Leicestershire 1576 coloured DRAW/1

Market Bosworth Street map DRAW 2

Market Bosworth Terrier 1592 R CUP 2

Market Bosworth Tithe map 1848 DRAW 2 Market Bosworth Tithe map 1848 showing Workhouse & new Rectory DRAW 2

Market Bosworth town pumps 1918 DRAW 2

Market Bosworth Tithe map showing fields 1848 DRAW/1 Tracing of Estate 1885 DRAW 2

Marina update March 2009 F20/LH29


Market Bosworth 1592 extract of survey S1/MISC

1592 survey F19/REC/13

1592 survey F19/REC/14              1945 – 1976 F9/LH/21

No 7 Station Road F11/LH/50

Aerial photos 1930 F16/PHOTOS/28

Aerial photos 1970 CUP 1

Aerial photos 1995 F16/PHOTOS/29

Aerial view photo 1930s Shelf 8             

Best Little Towns in Country Telegraph article 2004

CPRE list FH/20/LH/04

Census 1841 F19/REC/05

1851 Bosworth Hall & Rectory F19/REC/06

1861 Rectory House Rev N P Small F19/REC/07

1871 F19/REC/08

1881 Park Lane Sutton Lane F19/REC/09

1901 F19/REC/11

Census Keepers House 1891 F19/REC/10              

Chronological history in relationship to national events F20/LH/38

Conservation Area Appraisal March 2014 S1  with photos

Conservation Area enhancement scheme F4/C4

Conveyance of land from Sir A Wheeler to Dorothea Loseby Back Lane 1919 Shelf 2

Countryside Heritage Area proposal S1/MISC/

Country Parks Service Management Plan 2006/2011 S1

Country Park Management Plan 2012/2017 S1

Estate agents brochures 24 Park Street & 7 Station Road F20/LH/36

Field names F19/REC/12

Fire engine & crew Shelf 8 Foss P J Aspect articles S1/MISC/04              

From an Open Wooded Hilltop Request for memories 2001 F14/NEWS/10

Front doors in Aspect 2006 F24/02

High School netball team 1948 photo Shelf 8            

History 1896 George Maides shoemaker F12/LH/55              

History by Hugh Beavin 2006 F14/NEWS/07

History project 1962 S Ballam S1/MISC/05

Housing needs in Mkt. Bosworth F27/14

Listed buildings F10/LH/55

Local Heritage Asset list 2014 S1

Main Street Town Houses Shelf 8

Map by G Croman Shelf 3

Market Bosworth part of pig’s tusk dated C15 found in Mr J Nadin’s garden BOX 2

Meadow Survey report S1/MISC/              

Natural History Society establishment of F4/C2              

Natural History Society wildflower memories 1920s F4/C4              

Newspaper history article Arthur Tomlin  F20/LH/03              

November 1957 F11/LH/49

Ordnance Survey maps 1966 6” to mile DRAW 2

1903 Shelf 4 20th century Shelf 3

1991 Shelf 3              

Painting view towards Sutton Lane F3/C8

Parish Boundary 20th century Shelf 3

Parish Councillors photos 2013 F27/09

Park Street Shelf 8 ‘Past & Present’ 1995 F14/NEWS/07

Plate taken from John Nichols Shelf 8

Presentation author unknown S1/MISC/06

Proposed by-pass 1980 Shelf 3              

Proposed by-pass F5/C1              

Proposed Centenary Maze F5/C1              

Proposed Town Trail F4/C6

Rectory photo of unknown maid CUP1

Register of Electors 1977 F20/LH/41

Residents Back Lane 1931 Shelf 3              

Roman settlements F3/C26

Rotary Cottages pen & ink drawing Shelf 8 x 2

RDC Council Board of Guardians photo CUP1

Scrap books 1970-83 1956-86 1982-96 TOP DRAW

Sedgemere Shelf 8 Sedgemere site plan S1/MISC/

Shenton Lane/Rectory Lane corner photo Shelf 8            

Show Hinckley Times article on storm chaos 1951  F12/LH/68              

Slides of old Bosworth 16/BOX 3

Social Guild S1/24

Station Road Grangers Cottage Shelf 8

Street names & buildings 1980 Shelf 3

Street names plan C1970 Shelf 3

Street plan C1930 Shelf 3              

Tourism 2006 F14/NEWS/07              

Tourist attraction 2006 F14/NEWS/07

Town centre plans 1918 Shelf 6

Town plan 1931 Shelf 3

Waterside Mede brochure F2/B18

Womens Institute Talk  & Tips Snips & Eats FH20/LH/14

Quincentennial parchment S1/MISC              

Recipe book with Bosworth Jumbles – Flavour of 1485   BOOK shelf top

Walks around Bosworth F24/05

Wilkins Woollens C1900 R CUP 2

Market Bosworth & District Scrap books 1943-59 1960-74 1975-99 CUP Slides 6/BOX 3

Market Bosworth Society CACS Conservation Area Character Statement BOOK shelf top Documents 19/BOX 3/17 Programme 1979 BOX/3/17
Proposed Town Trail F11/LH/54
Stamp BOX 3 Survey S1/MISC/
Market Charter Charles ll 1665 translation  F8/LH/09
Market Place F10/31  F10/36   F10/40   F2/B13
B Symonds & L Croman watering 1973 photo F16/PHOTOS/27              
Compilations on Parish Council minutes  F20/LH/28
Confrontation over Wednesday’s market F17/TRADE/07              
Dixie bid to claim tolls 1969 F14/NEWS/16            
Maypole dancing newspaper photo  F20/LH/16
Mees Bakers & Williamson Butcher F16/PHOTOS/30
Nomination Day 1906 photo F16/PHOTOS/22
Painting F16/PHOTOS/04              
Painting of rear view cottages F16/PHOTOS/01
Photo looking south F16/PHOTOS/20
Photo of market 1969 F14/NEWS/07              
Re surfacing 1978 F20/LH/10              
Relaying granite cobbles F14/NEWS/15              
Report on ownership from minute books   F8/LH/08
Rose & Thistle cottage photo F16/PHOTOS/31
Rotary Cottages photo F16/PHOTOS/14
Rotary Cottages photo F16/PHOTOS/27
Rotary Cottages Shelf 8 Softley’s photo F16/PHOTOS/20              
Subsidence F14/NEWS/01
Wright, Johnson & Blockley houses photo F16/PHOTOS/30
May Day celebrations F10/LH38
Medical F9/LH23
MEMORABILIA in box Shelf 6 Bosworth Women’s Union badge
C17 Mercer Richard Tompson
Diphtheria Immunisation Card S Gamble
Dixie Grammar School badge
Fuel Ration Book R Carter
Girl Guide’s badge
House Wifery C1950
Hugh Adcock token 1660
Labour Certificate Alice Gamble née Henshaw 1924
Medical Guide 1940
Mrs A Gamble Acknowledgement of Retirement from school dinner service 1976
Mrs A Gamble invoices McCartney’s Funeral Service 1966 & for supply of headstone
National Savings Certificate holder
Mrs A Gamble 1940 Nuneaton CWS Dividend Book 1948-1969
Utility furniture buying permit R Carter
Vaccination 1903 small pox notification
Memorial Garden              Gates F5/C4              
Parish Field F5/C4
Memories Forged in Bosworth 2006 HLF Award F14/NEWS/06     2010 launch F14/NEWS/13
Millennium capsule tape BOX 2
Miners strike – The Dirty Thirty BOOK shelf top
Mole A copper beech tree F9/LH/27
Moxon Joseph A Truly Honest Man Book shelf top
Nadin J Barton Road tusk of 15th century pig F4/C2
National Service work permit Dorothy Kirkman  F20/LH/01
Nature Conservation Bosworth Field Report F5/C5
Nature Notes February 1992 F13/N1 July 1992 F13/N1 May 1992 F13/N1 Oct 1991 x 2  F13/N1 September 1992 F13/N1 Year of Nature Notes 1983 F13/N1 Year of Nature Notes 1983 F11/LH/52
Neale Robert report on Westhaven 1849 F9/LH/15
Newman B Biography by M Roe Bursar F7/DGS/10
Newspaper articles King Richard lll Shelf 7
Millennium Shelf 7 Wedding of Prince William & Kate Middleton Shelf 7
Oakley Brian Forge photo F16/PHOTOS/39
Oakley David 1982 antiques exhibition photo F14/NEWS/11
Oakley G  & J, Bamford A & Tomlinson E FOWH launch photo F16/PHOTOS/45
Oakley Glynis Gopsall & Bosworth Estates & Norton juxta Twycross books 1995 photo F14/NEWS/11
Oakley John DGS Rock School contest F14/NEWS/11
Interview 2008 F14/NEWS/11
Leicester Mercury photo prize F14/NEWS/11
Music prize 1993 F14/NEWS/11
Nature Notebook completion winner F14/NEWS/11
Piano competition winner F14/NEWS/11
Oakley Sheila Civil Defence Certificate F11/LH/53
Olive Lee Maid of Honour 1944 F11/LH/46
Open field system William Steven’s farm plan 16th century  F8/LH/10
Ordnance Bench Marks F10/LH30
Osbaston Estate map 1828 Tube cupboard
Ould Ivan HBBC Local development Framework F5/C5
Palmer Anne Matron Westhaven Court F9/LH/15
Palmer John frame-work knitter interview F10/LH/45
Parish Field Conveyance F5/C4
Memorial Garden F5/C4
Parish Hall F10/LH42
Parish Room Dedication by Rev P Bowers F3/C9
Park Bleeding canker disease 2007 F14/NEWS/08
Children’s Play Area opening F5/C8 Deer F20/LH29
Dixie application to build 810 houses 1967 F14/NEWS/16
Mr Leicester’s Diary 1999 F14/NEWS/08
Painting Boat House F2/B28
Paintings St Peter’s Church & Water  TowerF2/B27
Proposed ‘Love In Festival’ F6/D22 Water Tower drawing of Diana statue on Water Tower F16/PHOTOS/08
Park Gates accident Fred Hextall aged 8 F11/LH/43
Park Street Cottages showing shop F16/PHOTOS/32
English Masters House photo F16/PHOTOS/24 No 24,
the White House, Sales brochure 2011 built in Carlton stone F10/LH/56
Primary School Drawing 1848  F16/PHOTOS/24 Wall F10/LH/41
White House sale catalogue auction F20/LH/32
Parkes Edward PC F20/LH/30
Parnell Terry Heart transplant F14/NEWS/02
Parsonage in 1638 F3/C20
Peat C J Market Place compilations of Parish Council minutes F20/LH/28
Parish Council highlights minutes 1951-1967 F5/C9
Bosworth Marina F10/LH/35
Peg Leg John Beauchamp Sailor F27/19
Pelsant William & John Rectors c1630  F3/C20
Penny Silver Longcross 1256 F20/LH/37
Perry E S Invoice 1957 F17/TRADE/30
Perry Tertius Sale catalogue South Farm F11/LH/51
Perry W Invoice 1927 F17/TRADE/08
Persimmon Charles Church plans Station Road F5/C/14


Dick Symonds – Tribute to a True Gentleman

Argyle John F15/01
Beck W  (Bill) builder F15/02
Black Herbert (killed in action) F15/03
Black Herbert Commemoration Service DGS F15/03
Boston E Rev. (Teddy) cuttings F15/04
Bruce Peter Wartime Recollections F15/38
Cain Andy John Plant’s tribute F15/26
Carter Ray Biography AspectF15/05
Carter Ray Eulogy 20/11/2011 F15/05
Carter Ray Obituary Aspect 2012 F15/05
Cooling George Obituary December 2010 New Insight F15/06
Croman Glyn photo & biography 1987 F15/07
Croman Laura biography 1975 F15/08
Croman Laura poem ‘The Harvest of 1485’ F15/08
Drackley Rene biography 1974 F15/09
Dunnington Beryl Wartime Recollections F15/38
Ferris Dick acknowledgement F15/11
Ford Rosemary Wartime Recollections F15/38
Frost Harry biography 1974 F15/10
Graver Gilbert biography F15/12
Hardwick David – Ranger Biography F15/13
Heath Reg Eulogy New Insight F15/14
Heath Sam Biography 1973 F15  /15
Jackson John Eulogy New Insight 2011 F15/16
Jenkins Philip Biography 1974 F15/17
Jennaway Gilbert eulogy F15/44
Johnson Charlie eulogy F15/18
Johnson Samuel F15/45
Lampard W (Bill) butcher newspaper article ‘Final Round’ F15/19
Loseby Peter Chichester circumnavigation 1967 F15/20
McCarthy Keith David McCarthy’s Eulogy New Insight F15/21
Mole Alice Matron biography 1973 F15/22
Pallett Derek biography 1983 F15/24
Perry Tertius Eulogy by John Rawson New Insight 2011 F15/25
Phillips Clem highlights of life history F15/23
Plant John Rev. Tribute by New Insight F15/26
Pull Robert Dr Fact or fiction F15/27
Quincey Sydney F15/11
Quinney Bill Rector Nailstone Eulogy F15/28
Robinson Neil Canon Biography 1974 F15/29
Rowley Terence Keith Rowley Eulogy New Insight F15/30
Salmon David Eulogy by Richard Salmon New Insight F15/31 Salmon Margaret Eulogy by Brenda Campbell F15/31
Seller John Floral Studio 2008 F15/C43
Shepherd Annie Herrick Biography 1974 F15/32
Simpson Thomas 1710-1761 DGS pupil Biography F15/33
Symonds Blanche Biography F15/34
Thorp John Biography 1980 F15/35
Thorpe Kate Biography 1985 F15/36
Thorpe Marian Biography 1975 F15/37
Toone Cliff Aspect Wartime Recollections F15/38
Tredinnick David MP newspaper article 2009 F15/C39
Trivett Harry Biography 1980 F15/C40
Wheeler Arthur Delius Corner Aspect 2000 F15/C42
Wilkinson Cally Ore Inspired 2008 Aspect F15/C43
Peters M W Rev. Biography S1/MISC
Petrol depot and cook house F18/TRANS/15 John Lancaster childhood memories of petrol dump F27/16
Phillips Clem Competition certificates Shelf 0 Memorial Garden gates F5/C4 Slide Shelf 7
Photos Aerial view 1930s Shelf 8
Atherstone Hunt Boxing Day 2005 Shelf 8
Atherstone Hunt met Market Place C1900 Shelf 8
Bosworth Hall painting west front Shelf 8
Bosworth Park obstacle race C19 Shelf 8
Bosworth RDC Fire engine & Fire crew Shelf 8
Forge FOWH Shelf 8
Grangers Cottage Shelf 8
Lady Agnes Tollemache Scott gathering of roadmen 1895 Shelf 8
Market Bosworth Cricket Club 1890ish Shelf 8
Market Bosworth LDV outside NATSOPA Wellsborough F16/PHOTOS/48
Market Bosworth Ramblers Shelf 8
Market Place Shelf 8
MBHS Netball Team 1948 Shelf 8
Park Street Shelf 8
Rotary Cottages Market Place Shelf 8
Rotary Cottages Pen & ink drawing John Meek Shelf 8
Shenton Lane/Rectory Lane corner Shelf 8
Sir Wolstan Dixie 1585 Shelf 8
St Peter’s Church Brigade 1908 Shelf 8
Choir 1950 Shelf 8
Pencil drawing and Parsonage Shelf 8
View from Tower 1950s Shelf 8
South Farm Tertius Perry  Shelf 8
Sutton Lane thatched cottage fire No.12 Shelf 8
Town Houses, Main Street Shelf 8
Photos & postcards
Bosworth Hall;
Barton Road;
Cattle Market;
Church Street;
Dixie Grammar School
Market Place
Main Street
Rectory Lane;
Shenton Lane;
St Peter’s Church;
Station Road;
Sutton Lane;
Views; Warwick Lane
Pickering Henry biography S1/MISC/14
Pigot’s Directories 1822-1835 F17/TRADE/09
Plans Bosworth circa 1800 F9/LH/16Bosworth Estate 1903 Woodhouse Farm F20/LH/21
Bosworth Park 1890 F20/LH/18
Bosworth Park Estate 1885 F1
Bosworth Park Sale of lots 1-7 F2/B12
Conjectural Market Bosworth centre 1592  F12/LH/62
Heath Road development 2012 F20/LH/35
Manor Estate 1883 F1/B11
Manor House & 11 cottages F2/B15
Market Bosworth 3 local walks and description F4/C5
Market Bosworth Conservation Area F4/C1 Park 1702 with description F2/B41
Park circa 1292 F9/LH17
Sales Catalogue Bosworth Estate 1885 F1/B3
Street plan F20/LH/22
Town centre 1592 F20/LH/19
Town centre showing pumps 1890 F20/LH/20
Plant John Rev induction Market Bosworth F3/C17   F27/13
Pochin Eleanor S1/MISC/14
Pochin Francis engraving F2/B16
Police Officers List 1849-1925 F17/TRADE/24
Police Station F20/LH/30
Cells sold 2014 F14/NEWS/19
Proudman Roland Bell ringing certificate F3/C1
Church clock F3/C5
Pull Robert Dr burial F9/LH/16
Pumps in Bosworth town centre plan F8/LH/14 Q
Queen Victoria Diamond Jubilee Celebration F5/C7
Quincentenary celebrations S1/MISC/08
Quincey’s shop F11/LH/48


Railway  F9/LH19  F9/LH2   F9/LH/41

Advert re opening. F18/TRANS/03
Day trip to Blackpool F18/TRANS/11 List of charges & tolls F18/TRANS/02
Lovell Hetty rail porter F9/LH/19 Railway Book details of construction A & NJR F18/TRANS/01
Railway Complaint re train scheduling1883  F18/TRANS/04
Railway History F18/TRANS/09
Railway History of A & N J R. F18/TRANS/08
Railway Map of rail route Nuneaton to Overseal & Coalville 1915 F18/TRANS/06
Railway Notice of withdrawal of passenger service 1931 F18/TRANS/07
Photos of station F18/TRANS/14   F16/
PHOTOS/25 Queen Victoria’s journey to Sheffield F18/TRANS/15
Queen Victoria’s journey Windsor to Sheffield via Market Bosworth 1890 F18/TRANS/05
Transportation of bees F18/TRANS/10
Rectors of St Peter’s  1221-1954 F3/C5
Rectory Occupancy 1398-1990 F3/C5
Conveyance of parcel of land.
Electricity sub station Sutton Lane 1927 F19/REC/01
Dilapidation report 1966 F3/C33
Mortgage 1848 Building of Parsonage Sir A Wheeler F19/REC/02 Old – 1849 F3/C28
Old – description by P J Foss F3/C9
Old – paintings F3/C5
Old – Photo 1849 F16/PHOTOS/14
Old – Sale detail 1985 F3/C10
Rectory Lane Bakery Cottage photo F16/PHOTOS/12
S Folwell (President) bowling up F16/PHOTOS/19
Red Lion Alteration plans 2006 F17/TRADE/28
Alteration plans 2006 F17/TRADE/29
Application for external smoking area 2006 F17/TRADE/27
Historical notes 1976 F17/TRADE/17
Layout of yard c1914 F17/TRADE/17
Photo circa 2000 F16/PHOTOS/23 Photo circa 1910 F16/PHOTOS/23
Richard lll newspaper articles Shelf 7. Souvenir Leicester Mercury 2013
Roads in Bosworth John Byng 1781-1794  F10/LH/52
Robinson Neil induction Worcester Cathedral F3/C16
Roe M Bursar DGS Biography of by B Newman F7/DG/10S
Roman Villa site 1967 F14/NEWS/17
Site Barton Road DGS pupils photo 1967 F20/LH/26
Ruddock Elizabeth May Day songs and celebrations F10/LH/3
Rural District Council Armorial Bearing F5/C3
M B Official Guide 1974 list of RDC Chairmen 1895-1974                
Armorial Shield photo F16/PHOTOS/36
Council Review January 1957 F5/C2
RDC Council Board of Guardians photo CUP1
Tenants Hand Book F5/C13
Sailor Peg Leg John Beauchamp F27/19
Sayer J P F6/D1 School Private F9/LH16
Scott Ted ‘Bosworth in the 16 centuary’ F9/LH/17
Scott Tollemache Agnes Lady Photo F16/PHOTOS/41
Scott Tollemache Charles Photo F16/PHOTOS/41 Sedgemere Painting F16/PHOTOS/02
Shards of Roman pottery Barton Rd villa BOX 2
Shenton Hall Shelf 8
Shepherd Florence teacher F9/LH/16
Shops 1940 F17/TRADE/13
Sites & Monuments Leicestershire Record F5/C1
Small N P Rector Last will 1853 F3/C6
Soldiers & Sailors Fund Market Bosworth ‘Welcome Home’ menu 1945  F12/LH/67 St Annes Lane F2/B31
St Gregory RC Church  F3/C31 50th Anniversary F3/C16
Joint Mass F3/C32
St Peter’s Church Response to Dr Kelly’s complaint F3/C2
£1000 gift for refurbishment from Mrs Bowers, Warren Hall, Flintshire S1/12
1928 negatives Shelf 8
Bell ringing certificate F3/C1
Brigade 1908 Shelf 8
Chancel restoration F3/C41
Choir 1950 Shelf 8
Church Bazaar 1892 advert R CUP 2
Church organ & restoration S1/24
Churchyard Burial plots 1981 DRAW/3
Graves index F3/C4
Clock F3/C5
Congreaves wedding F16/PHOTOS/07
Dedication of organ etc. 1895 F3/C39
Description by Hamilton Thompson F3/C40
Dixie family memorials F2/B31
Fund raising Bazaar 1892 for church refurbishment F3/C11
Guide c1960 F3/C12
History including list of Patrons S1/MISC/14
History P J Foss F3/C21
Interior F3/C22
Interior redesign 1885/97 F3/C19
Magazine advert c1950 F3/C12
Magazine adverts F17/TRADE/01
Magazine fund raising for organ June 1892 F3/C12
Marriages in Bosworth 1837-1911 CD  F3/C/42
Monuments F3/25
Painting F3/C7
Painting F3/C7
Parish Magazine F3/C13
Parsonage 1849 drawing F3/C7
Pencil drawing & Parsonage Shelf 8
Pencil drawing 1842 & painting Shelf 8
Pencil drawing 1858 F3/C8
Photo taken from Tower across Park Street Shelf 8 Plan F3/C4
Purchase of land for burials 1938 F3/C35
Records summary F3/C3
Register F3/C23 Trail 1985/89 F3/C12
Vestry meetings 1824/25 F3/C29
W I Churchyard Survey F14/NEWS/11
St Peter’s churches around Bosworth Field 1974 F3/C37
St Peter’s Church News of the Month April 1889-June1889 S1/02 April 1890-June 1890
DGS tribute to Headmaster Rev Pearson S1/06 April 1891-June 1891
Death of John Orford, son of Dr Orford.
Elementary School voluntary rate to clear debt. S1/10 April 1892-June 1892
Vestry report on conditions of Church interior S1/14 April 1893-June 1893 S1/18
April 1894-June 1894 Fund raising.
Tea Dance with subscribers S1/22 April 1895-June 1895.
Great Storm March 1895 & damage to Church.
North east pinnacle fell through roof. Cost of damage £50. Work completed July S1/26
Bosworth Show Report S1/04
Elementary School 1889-1895 extract from Church Monthly F7/HS/06
Extract of Registers 1567-1569. S1/05 January 1889-March 1889 S1/01 January 1891-March 1891
Elementary School debt.
Choir boys pantomime. S1/09 January 1892-March 1892 S1/13 January 1894-March 1894
Report on refurbishment to chancel organ, pulpit & screen. ….. Tendees to Service of Dedication S1/21 January 1895-March 1895
Resignation of Miss Stacey from Infant School S1/25 July 1889-September 1889 S1/03 July 1890-September 1890
School Inspectors report.
Village 5hr trip to Scarborough & Bosworth Show S1/07 July 1891-September 1891.
Elementary School accounts report.
School alterations.
Church workers trip to Blackpool S1/11 July 1892-September 1892
Grand Bazaar July.
August Grand Bazaar & accounts £343.
Elementary School financial & Inspectors report.S1/15 July 1893 & September 1893  S1/19 July 1894-September 1894 Bosworth Show,
Elementary & mixed school accounts.
Churchwardens & choir outing to Blackpool. S1/2 July 1895-September 1895.
Elementary school accounts.
Refurbishment outstanding, new cloak rooms & better ventilation required. S1/27
Loyal Victoria Lodge S1/04 March 1893 S1/17 October 1889-December 1889 S1/0 October 1890-December 1890 Appointment of Miss Clarke to the mixed school (Primary) S1/08 October 1892-December 1892
List of Rectors 1221-1886 S1/16 October 1893-December 1893
Death of Mrs Cope S1/20 October 1894-December 1894
Establishment of Market Bosworth Social Guild Church organ & restoration.
Bazaar accounts. S1/24 October 1895-December 1895 S1/28
Triumphal return of Winifred T Scott as baby S1/05
Workers trip to Blackpool S1/03
St Peter’s Hall F12/LH/77
St Peter’s Primary School F7/HS/03
A M Whitney teacher F7/HS/02 Drawing 1848 F16/PHOTOS/24
Overview by M B Coe F7/HS/02
Photo F16/PHOTOS/26 Play ‘Magicians Gift’ F7/HS/04 Pupils1957
Country dancers at Shenton photo F16/PHOTOS/17
Station Road Aylesbrook Cottage photo F16/PHOTOS/21
Fuel dump – plan F10/LH/49
Granger’s Cottage with Larry Gains c1934 F16/PHOTOS/18 Nos 5-17 photo F16/PHOTOS/20 No 7
Estate agents brochure F20/LH/36
No 25 Lichfield Cottage newspaper article Hinckley Times 1986 F20/LH/06
No 25 photo F16/PHOTOS/20 300 homes development site 2006 F14/NEWS/02
Steven William open field system plan late 16th century  F8/LH/10
Stocking Frames F9/LH/21
Stocking frames in area by A Pickering 1940  F8/LH/11
Sutton Lane The Mount, sale catalogue 1908  F12/LH/66
No 12 thatch on fire Shelf 8 Painting, view of Rectory & Church F16/PHOTOS/03
Rainbow Cottage photo F16/PHOTOS/14
Symonds Dick Benchmarks F9/LH/30
Bosworth 1945 – 74 F9/LH/21
Tapestry Battle of Bosworth Aspect F10/LH/50
Battle of Bosworth F10/LH/51
Taylor John the missing Rector 1740-1788 F3/C27
Thompson Hamilton Description of St Peter’s Church F3/C40
Thorpe Grace Bosworth Alphabet poem F3/C32
Throsby John Engraving Bosworth Hall & Church 1791 F2/B42
Excursion 1780 F9/LH16  
Timber Fire Proof F10/LH/40 1967 F17/TRADE/04
H Pratt recalls families coming to Bosworth F17/TRADE/04
History – Aspect 1975 F17/TRADE/05
History A E Howard F24/03
Henry Boot & Sons Ltd F24/04
Tithe Award 1848 (listing field names)  F12/LH/64
Toc H Rededication F3/C18
Tollemache Scott Lady Agnes Gathering of roadmen 1895 photo Shelf 8 Photo F2/B25
Lady Agnes daughter’s 21st birthday invitation F2/B17
Tollemache Scott Charles Details of Bosworth Estate 1885
P J Foss F1/B12 Photos F2/B26
Redevelopment Bosworth Estate F2/B32
Redevelopment Bosworth Estate F2/B33
Title deeds 1918 Schedule of properties F19/REC/03
Tollemache Scott Wenefryde (Greaves) Indenture Shelf 2
Trade Directory Hager’s 1849  F12/LH/65
Trivett F9/LH/16
Trivett J Advert hotel F17/TRADE/01 Invoice 1903  F17/TRADE/01
Trivett R E Will 1919  F17/TRADE/25
Trivett W H Red Lion F1/B5
Turnpike roads  F27/19  F5/C11
Wardle James Dixie Arms 1934  F10/LH/39
Warships Week WWll programme of events F20/LH/13
Wartime Bosworth Salute Soldier Week F11/LH/46
Warwick House Brief history F17/TRADE/18 Cell photo F16/PHOTOS/20
Police Station newspaper article  F20/LH/07
Water Mill Photo F16/PHOTOS/34
Wembley Houses J Lancaster memories F17/TRADE/05  F27/15
Westfields Farm Sale of 1932 S1/MISC/18 Station Road, Catholic Farm Campaign for unemployed 1933 F20/LH/25
Westhaven 1832 – 34 F9/LH/14 After 1834 F9/LH/15
Aspect F9/LH/22
Census of inmates 1881 F9/LH/15
Hat C1850 Masters 1838-1936 F17/TRADE/24
Photo F16/PHOTOS/11
Rateable value 1925 F17/TRADE/3
Vagrants F9/LH/22
Weston Drive Photo F16/PHOTOS/33
Weston Harry biography F10/LH/32
Wheatley J DGS & Town project F7/DGS/05
Wheatsheaf Inn Plan F17/TRADE/31
Wheeler Arthur Sir Bosworth Hall F16/PHOTOS/10
White House Park Street F20/LH/40
White’s Trade Directory 1846 F17/TRADE/10 1846  F8/LH/12 1877 & CD Book shelf top
Whitney A M Memories of teaching at Primary School F7/HS/02
Williamson B Biography 1979 F17/TRADE/02
Willoughby Mary Descent F6/D12
Wind Pump F10/LH41
Womens Institute Talk & Tips, Snips & Eats FH20/LH/14
Quincentennial parchment S1/MISC
Recipe book with Bosworth Jumbles – Flavour of 1485   BOOK shelf top
Woolerton David Rail travel F9/LH/19
Workhouse Victorian – general – plan of Bosworth Workhouse F10/LH/54
World War 1 programme of Peace Celebration 1919 F20/LH/12
World War ll Fuel dump and plan Station Road F10/LH/49
Air raid shelters  F10/LH/49
Wothers – blacksmiths F5/C12
Wright family connections with Dixie family F6/D12
Wright Thomas Rector 1790-1840 F3/C22 Wright’s Trade Directory 1896 Book shelf top
Zeppelin attack on canal Aspect 2010 F20/LH/27
Zeppelin attack on gas works F9/LH/27
Compiled by E D Dawes, P Loseby & G Oakley 2012/2013




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