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Send the form and cheque to Mr N Palmer 29 Warwick Lane, Market Bosworth, Leicestershire CV13 0JU

Enquiries to

Or you can apply on-line.

Please read Your Personal Data and MARKETBOSWORTH SOCIETY below

To pay direct please use:  Virgin Money, Sorting Code 82-11-07 Account Number 00452350 Market Bosworth Society (please select Business Account if asked).

Please add your surname and postal code into the reference field. (Don’t worry if it won’t all fit).

Currently Membership is £14.00 for a single annual membership and £21.00 for a joint annual membership (joint membership is for couples residing at the same dwelling and receiving one monthly Newsletter.)

Privacy Policy 2018


Your confidentiality is protected by the Data Protection Act and, from 25 May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) and the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2016 (PECR). Any personal information supplied by you to MARKET BOSWORTH SOCIETY will be kept on file. MARKET BOSWORTH SOCIETY will always store your personal details securely and delete them once they are no longer relevant or when requested by you. A record of members’ and non-members contact details may be kept for historical purposes. You may request the MARKET BOSWORTH SOCIETY to delete your details by contacting the secretary and confirming your identity.

When you fill in an Application Form you are asked to provide MARKET BOSWORTH SOCIETY with some Personal Data. This data will be used by the MARKET BOSWORTH SOCIETY to communicate with you. You can opt out of our communications at any time by contacting the MARKET BOSWORTH SOCIETY secretary.

We will use the data to provide the service that you expect and will communicate with you as you have agreed to. The data we hold will be used to send you AGM information, monthly newsletters, information which may be of interest to you, etc. and to communicate with you as necessary.

MARKET BOSWORTH SOCIETY will only allow your information to be used for MARKET BOSWORTH SOCIETY purposes and others working on our behalf and will only share them if required to do so by law. We will never share your information with other companies, individuals or charities for marketing or any other purposes. Should a third party ask for a member’s details the member will be provided with enquirers details for the member to initiate contact, if desired.

You have the right of access to a copy of the information MARKET BOSWORTH SOCIETY holds about you (a subject access request) obtainable subject to proof of identity from MARKET BOSWORTH SOCIETY Secretary.

By applying for membership you confirm that you accept and will abide by the terms of this privacy policy.

Please click below to be taken to the Membership Form

Membership Form

Approved by MARKET BOSWORTH SOCIETY Committee: March 2018

Review Date: 2025

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