Constitution February 2017
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CONSTITUTION of the Market Bosworth Society
The Aims of the Society are to promote and stimulate interest in the Parish of Market Bosworth and the local area. Its environs called the Area and to preserve the heritage of the Area in the public interest.
The Society shall use the following initiatives: – To promote or assist activities of a charitable nature in the Area that enhances the conservation of the Area.
Hold meetings, lectures and exhibitions as well as arranging visits to places of interest in the surrounding area.
Stimulate public opinion and debate and offer advice and information.
Help or promote research into our local heritage.
Publish reports, papers, maps, books and other literature, as well as using new technology, such as websites, to inform the general public.
Raise monies as required for these initiatives from whatever sources the Committee deems fit. All income must be applied towards the organisation’s objectives and for no other purpose.
Respond to issues that affect the heritage or well being of the Area, by providing reports to the Parish Council or to statutory bodies and others.
Take initiatives on any issues that the Committee feel the Society should get involved with, that are in line with the stated aims, including planning applications as appropriate.
Membership Is open to any person interested in furthering the aims of the Society.
Members must have paid their subscriptions currently to vote at meetings.
Subscriptions shall be due yearly, at the AGM (March) and shall be determined by a majority vote by the membership, after being advised by the Committee of its recommendations.
Members under the age of 16 will be accepted at half the adult rate but they will not be allowed to vote.
The financial year shall run from April 1st to the 31st of March.
With the exception of expenses legitimately incurred in the furtherance of the Society’s aims, no funds can be distributed to Society members or the organising committee during the organisation’s lifetime or upon dissolution.
Officers of the Society shall consist of Chairman, Vice Chairman, Honorary Secretary, and Honorary Treasurer with up to five other members making up the Committee.
All Committee Members shall stand down at the AGM but can put their names forward for re-election.
Nominations for the election of Officers shall be in writing to the Honorary Secretary one week in advance of the AGM from a paid-up member of the Society who has obtained the consent of the proposed nominee.
The election of Officers shall be completed prior to the election of further Committee Members and all Officers will be required to sign the Society’s ‘Intellectual & Moral Rights’ form if their application is successful.
Nominees for election as Officers or Committee Members shall declare, at the AGM at which their election is considered, any financial or professional interest known or likely to be of concern to the Society and must be members of the Society (MBS).
The Committee is expected to meet not less than three times a year and the Honorary Secretary shall give Committee Members at least one week’s notice of such meetings.
A quorum shall be five members of the Committee.
The Committee shall have the power to fill any vacancies that occur during the year by co-option from the Membership.
All co-opted committee members will be required to sign the Society’s ‘Intellectual & Moral Rights’ form.
Sub-committees may be formed by the Committee from the Membership, where expedient, and such sub-committees shall report to the Committee, with the Committee monitoring their actions against the terms of reference drawn up for each.
All sub-committee members will be required to sign the Society’s ‘Intellectual & Moral Rights’ form.
The Committee shall advise the membership of all ordinary meetings throughout the year and give two weeks’ notice of the AGM meeting which shall be held in March of each year.
SGMs can be called either by the Committee with at least five Committee Members requesting this or by at least ten Members of the Society in writing to the Honorary Secretary stating clearly the issue to be debated. Only that issue will be debated at the Special General Meeting. Voting shall be by a majority vote of those present and eligible to vote at the meeting.
The Chairman of the SGM can vote on all issues and in the event of equality of votes shall have an additional casting vote.
The Constitution may be amended by a two thirds majority at the AGM or SGM with twenty-eight days’ notice of such a meeting given to the membership.
The Society can be dissolved by a two thirds majority vote at the AGM or an SGM and confirmed at a further SGM at least two weeks after the first.
At the dissolution of the Society all assets available, after paying off all creditors, shall be, distributed to another charitable/not for profit organisation as approved by the Committee and also approved by the Dissolution Meeting.
No Society funds can be distributed to Society members or the organising committee upon dissolution beyond the reimbursement of legitimately incurred expenses incurred on behalf of the Society.
Where possible the records of the Society shall be offered to the Record Office for Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland.
All artefacts shall be offered to local museums or returned to the donor.
This constitution was unanimously approved by the Members attending the Market Bosworth Society’s AGM on Thursday, 17th March 2022
Signed by Nigel Palmer, Chairman 17th March 2022
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