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Walks Available
Please allow 10 days between making the booking and requiring a walk. We are a small Society with limited resources. Please call 07930149408 if you have not received a response within 5 working days.
Walk one may be booked using the form below. Walks 2 to 5 must be requested via email to
Walks are available on Saturdays and Wednesdays between 1st May and the 30th September or by arrangement. Walks commence at 10:00, 14:00 or 18:30 (evening walks from June to September)
Walk Number 1 £4.00 per person/£7.00 per Couple (minimum 5 adults, children free) Walk 1 Photographs
Our most popular walk, now in its twentieth year!
Come and enjoy being guided around the Medieval Settlement of Market Bosworth. Learn of the development of the town, it occupants from the Bronze Age, through the Roman Occupation, the Saxon Years right up to the 20th Century. Find out about the architecture and its stories. The secret of The Dower House, the elegance of Bosworth Hall and the chilling, macabre story of Dr Robert Pull. Level ground about 1 mile. Includes a copy of ‘Market Bosworth Town Trail Guide and Souvenir’. About 90 to 120 minutes as required.
Please note that walks 2 to 5 are only available in June to September via
Walk Number 2 (£4.00 per person (minimum 8 adults, children Free) Some of the views from this walk
A new walk for this season. Take a gentle stroll across the Deer Park, part of the Dixie Dynasty. Enjoy the scenery of Beau Pool, ending at the beautiful Wood House Keepers Cottage. Our guides will point out items of interest along the way and you will be able to enjoy birds and animals seen. Some uneven ground about 1 mile. Bird and animal sightings not guaranteed.
Walk Number 3 £5.00 per person (minimum 8 adults, children free) Some of the views of this walk
This is an extension to walk number 2. Carrying on past the Keeper’s Cottage to the village of Sutton Cheney and visit the Medieval Church of St. James which dates back to the C14. Retracing our steps back to our starting point. Some uneven ground one stile about 4 miles.
Walk Number 4 £5.00 per person (minimum 8 adults, children free) Some of the views of this walk
Is an alternative to walk 3. After leaving St. James Church we make our way though Sutton Cheney to the Royal Arms Car Park and then back towards the eastern side of the Country Park. Giving lovely views of Cadeby and the surrounding countryside. Uneven ground 2 stiles about 4 ½ miles.
Walk Number 5 (Available June to September) £7.50 per person (minimum 8 adults, children free) Walk 5 Photographs
This walk uses the footpaths along Barton Road. The Roman Villa site is not far away, (not accessible) and so is Silk Hill where Neolithic and early Anglo Saxon pottery was discovered in 2017 & 2018. A historic part of Market Bosworth. This rural walk takes us across the old Kyngs Golf Course to the Ashby Canal, and Marina. Crossing the canal, we travel to Far Coton and then to the edge of Shenton enjoying views of the Battlefield Line from the canal viaduct. From there we continue to the Bosworth Battlefield Heritage Centre. We then cross the road (or continue along the canal path) and walk back across fields to Sutton Lane and Market Bosworth. Uneven ground, 4 stiles, and at least 12 steep steps. 7 miles approx.
Bespoke Walks.
We are happy to discuss your requirements with you. For groups of 10 or more we will design a walk to your specification and requirements, wherever possible. We do not trespass upon private land and have the land owner’s agreement where we do pass over private land. There is a space on the booking form to set out individual requirements. We will do all we can to supply your walk. After all, we want you to come and enjoy our beautiful countryside and Market Town. Please use this option if you prefer a walk on any day other than a Saturday or Wednesday or outside the 1st May and the 30th September.
Refreshments are available for all walks, but pre-booking is necessary. Prices on application (refreshments can include tea/coffee/biscuits/full luncheon/ evening dinner or a special afternoon tea! Catering requirements and allergies must be advised at the time of booking.
Other Considerations.
Please remember that most of our walks (except walk 1) will require a reasonable level of mobility. You will be walking across rural footpaths and will have to negotiate some stiles and uneven ground and gateways. Walks 2 to 5 are unsuitable for mechanical aides. If you use a wheelchair or any ride on device we would urge you to contact us via the email address for advice. We will do all we can to help but are unable to change the terrain or the landowners chosen method of protection.
The information is correct at the time of publishing.
Copyright (all) Market Bosworth Society 2019
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Booking Form Please complete in full and then press “Submit”
Prices may change but not once a booking has been accepted.
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