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The Parish Council shares the concerns of many residents in respect of the growing number of planning applications that are being submitted for housing developments in Market Bosworth. 

In 2020/21 applications so far include the following proposals; 

  • Gladman for a development on Shenton Lane (90 houses)
  • Richborough on Station Road in front of the golf course (63 houses)
  • Ainscough Strategic Land impending outline application Wharf Farm Station Road (100 houses)

In 2015 the Neighbourhood Plan was overwhelmingly supported at referendum (89% support) and the Plan was adopted by Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council (HBBC). The plan was based entirely on community engagement and consultation to represent the views of this community. 

Market Bosworth residents supported our views that development will happen, so it is important that we have as much influence as possible. The Plan therefore supported sustainable development by allocating land to the south of Station Road, known as Station Fields, for mixed use development including 100 houses and extension of the industrial estate to provide more local job opportunities. This was based entirely on the preference for this site by residents at consultation.

A ‘Masterplan’ for Station Fields has recently been to consultation prior to adoption by HBBC to bring the development forward. With the agreement of the landowners, stakeholders and access agreements with the Highways authority, this validates the Neighbourhood Plan policy for housing to the South of Station Road.

The Neighbourhood Plan also has policies protecting the open countryside on the approaches to Market Bosworth and many views and vistas that you as the community identified as valuable assets and intrinsic to the character of Market Bosworth. These applications are all in conflict with the Neighbourhood Plan policies.

Market Bosworth Parish Council engaged a fully independent Housing Needs Assessment (HNA) which shows a revised requirement of 108 dwellings, a minor change to the previous figure of 100+. The HNA has been agreed by HBBC as a minor modification to the Neighbourhood Plan. The HNA also shows that we will exceed the revised target by 94 due to dwellings which have already been built or have permission to be built. 

When the Neighbourhood Plan reached referendum, Market Bosworth had just 996 dwellings. We are not a NIMBY community and we accept that sustainable development is needed. We have designated a site for 100 houses and accepted that 94 from windfall sites is reasonable growth at a time of housing shortage. This demonstrates growth from 996 to 1190 dwellings, an increase of 19.4% which with some additional nominal windfall may rise to a 20% increase by 2026. 

Do we want or need a further 253 dwellings?

The combined proposed additional developments would add a further 253 houses bringing the total number of dwellings to 1443, an increase of 45% 

  • Can our schools, doctors and infrastructure cope with this additional influx?
  • Can our roads and town centre cope with such immense additional pressures?

Do you agree with us that our designated site and the windfall sites provide more than enough housing to meet our needs? If so, please write or email the Planning Department at HBBC and copy in Responding to consultations from developers does not affect a planning decision, decisions are made by HBBC and comments should be made to them. Visit  for more information and sign up for regular email updates on these and any other proposals. Volunteers are welcome to join us as we review and modify our Plan.

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